
Echos visit the Avilun Part. 3

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So Fieran enjoys the food with her packmates, though looking back every now and then for Hae

There is a tremendous uproar and the clashing of blades could be heard. Several second pass which is followed by another. The Echos in the group jump up when they see Hae returning with a larger echo dressed in Bright gold.
There is sweat on their brows and a single cut can be seen on Hae's upper forearm.

Fieran turns towards the sound instantly, as do many Avilun due to their sensitive hearing. Fieran looks worried from the cut and gets up, asking "Hae, are you ok??"

A wave of energy ripples above the festivities as a Dirge warship enters low orbit. Without a word spoken, or signal sent, it drops a mass of flesh towards the Festival. As quickly and abruptly as it arrives, the craft leaves without a trace. The mass of flesh falling toward the world turns a bright crimson as it ignites in the atmosphere.

Rathen Vro'tal, newly assigned King of Scars, suddenly stops and looks in the direction of the impact. Hae is also quick to inspect the noises

Fieran now looks in the direction of the impact too, hearing slight whispering in her head. She frowns slightly at this, trying now block out the whispering in her head since she dislike hearing other's thoughts

Through the smoke a silhouette can be seen low to the ground, it is largely shapeless. An audible cracking sound begins come from the impact site, and the dark blob begins to become far more defined, growing much taller
Fieran blinks, not realizing her psionic powers are now almost like a big red flare to this being. She remembers though when she heard these whisperings and sends it a thought asking "are you Dirge?"

Rathen as well as plenty of other Echos have drawn weapons, not knowing what the shape was. They snarl almost in unison and wait for the dust to clear

The cracking noise ceases, and the figure stands tall, almost 3 metres in height. It emerges from the smoke. It has a pale white body, stood atop four legs, jutting from its torso are two gangly arms. Its face is largely featureless with two jet black, lidless eyes taking a significant amount of space. There is a slight pause as it surveys the area, before it speaks, "This form ... Created to represent .... The Dirge" Unlike forms of the past this beings voice is soothing, unlike the monotonous tone of others. After it is finished speaking it focuses its attention of Fieran, and begins to stride towards her

Fieran sort of backs up and turns away, saying "Oh, well uh...Hi!" Ceris and Grivm look up, almost seemingly sensing that their packmate is in distress and see what all the commotion is about
Fre'lex is quick to arrive; she greets Rathen quickly and addresses the Dirge.
"Welcome Dirge, I am pleased to see you received our invitation"
The creature slows to a halt, looking up from Fieran to Fre'lex, its large eyes focussed on the Echo, “Welcome ..... Invitation.... recieved..... “It pauses, unsure how to continue
"We welcome you into our midst, may I be of any service to you Dirge?"
It takes a moment before it responds, “Welcome ..... Service? .... Not required.... ‘It turns its head towards the festival grounds, “Festival .... Curious..... “It glances back at Fieran before heading towards the festival
Fieran walks over to her two packmates, sitting with them. She is almost hiding behind them a bit and Ceris asks "Hey Fieran, What's wrong?" Fieran merely says "n..Nothing, I’m just not feeling that well right now...”

Hae perks up and stares at her father, who was watching the Dirge with what could only be seen as wonder. Fre'lex follows slowly behind the Dirge, staying far enough away to not be obnoxious.
An echo in all black and a Warhelm stood silently a few meters away, saying nothing. Hae knew him as Drenes of the house of Shadow.

The Dirge, now among both the Echo and The Avilun pauses occasionally, absorbs all of the conversation, and activity, though it does not utter even a word.
Several minutes into its journey, it turns back towards Fre’lex, and asks a single question, "Purpose? ......"

Fre'lex's ears perk up and she thinks for a moment.
"Community, bonding, friendship. If we are open between our races, our races can work together with more trust"
Fre'lex points back towards the Avilun and the Echos at the food tables. "This would never have happened under regular circumstances"
The black eyes of the Dirge never leave Fre'lex as she speaks. It peers towards the food table, though it remains in place. "Community? .... bonding? ..... together? .....? .....we understand ......"
Fre'lex smiles and kindly asks if the Dirge has any more inquiries
Rathen Vro'tal!!!
Drenes Gresh!!
Dirge Lifeform!!

Festival of Blades is honoured by a representative from the Dirge! 
This is gonna get interesting

Avilun is SpartanMario

Echo is KhaosRaptor

Dirge is FlavoredPickle
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